Monday, April 25, 2011

Building the House of Micas

A highlight of the heart of Celebration Church is to serve those around us, to do random acts of kindness that will impact people for eternity.  To bring practicality to the message on serving we rebuilt a local house of one of our church kids.  

Micas, the child who lives there, is not the most beautiful, cute, or princess like little girl.  Nor is she the child that initially makes you want to grab her in your arms and take her home with you.  But her beauty shows in her faithfulness to the church, her personality, her genuine smile, and genuine appreciation of God and the church.  I suppose it’s because I so deeply love this little girl that I became a little teary eyed walking into her home.  I could plainly see the community outside through the walls of her house and cringed at the thought of what it has been like these past several months with all the rain we have received pouring through their walls and roof.  When I told her mom we were going to rebuild the house she wept with crocodile tears of appreciation.
We've experienced some of the first cold nights leading into the fall this past week and I'm thankful that I'm a part of a church that has cared for "the least of these"l

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