This past Tuesday night I walked into an atmosphere of dancing, laughter, and singing African style. Pastors and church leaders from the deep bush that are part of Celebration Mozambique had arrived and were excited about our first leaders' conference.
Getting Here
Traveling from the remote villages of Maqueze, Panda, Helene, and Choke, most of the church leaders traveled 4-8 hours in the backs of trucks or in crowded vans through heavy rains to be here. No one complained, but came off their ride with a smile on their face and a song in their heart. Twenty churchleaders representing seven different churchplants in the country sides of Mozambique all came together to celebrate. Twenty leaders representing the beginning of what God is doing through Celebration Church's campus in Africa.
Borrowing heavily from Pastor Joe's message on the Queen of Sheba's visit to Solomon's temple, I shared a message of the importance of the local church. We talked about the many things that make an excellent experience for those who visit that don't know God, then broke into groups and started making plans of how things will be different. Again, lots of laughter and singing.
I'm humbled that all of our leaders sleep in small reed huts, usually with nothing between them and the bare ground but a reed mat. We provided mats and air mattresses. After service they transformed the church into a hotel for the next three days.
When I arrived Wednesday morning I chuckled at all the laundry that was hainging on the bushes and trees surrounding the church. They had been up since 5:30am washing clothes and preparing for the day. It was a bit of a humorous scene until I realized that they had to wash their clothes because between what was spread out over the bushes and what they were wearing, that was all the clothing they owned. These people remind me of the woman who gave one mite that caused Jesus to notice her. They may not have much, but they give everything they have to serve God and I'm certain that they have God's attention.
Supernatural Connections
A bit overwhelmed at the thought of preparing nine trainings to take place over four days was a bit daunting. We are continually amazed to experience that when we take a step of faith, God meets us every time. God supernaturally connected us to one of Mozambique's leading speakers on leadership in the church who graciously came and worked with our people. Additionally, the director of Youth for Christ shared about touching the next generation, and two others stepped in to share on prayer and the pastor's calling. What started as a unilateral download turned out to be a well rounded conference.
So we taught on Servolution, served the neighborhood by rebuilding a broken down home for one of our kids, had a movie night that completely filled the church forcing people to watch from outside the windows and doors, and saw God heal a man who has not been able to talk for nearly a year. I suppose this was a pretty good start.
As we said our good-byes Saturday morning, the people all shared how grateful they were that Celebration Church was called to be here and that they can be a part of what God is doing through our church. More laughter, more singing . . .
If you are a part of Celebration Church, remember that this is part of your family.
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